Hebrew School “Club“ 2024-25: Choose your sessions!

We are thrilled to announce that we are expanding our offerings at Chabad Hebrew School to include a completely customized Jewish enrichment experience.

Our sessions will run weekly from September–May. However, each session is standalone, and you have the option of signing up for the sessions you choose. Depending on your schedule and interest, you can choose whatever works best for YOU and your family.

The program is a fun, hands-on introduction to Judaism, the holidays, culture, and traditions. Through art, drama, music, cooking, stem and other educational activities, your child will have a blast while gaining a sense of Torah values and heritage, community, and Jewish pride. Take a look at the calendar to see some of the fun and learning that we have in store!

The sessions will take place Sunday mornings at Chabad, from 11:00 am-12:00 pm, with
Hebrew reading as a separate option from 10:30-11:00am.


Copy of Copy of Hebrew School Calendar 5783 (1).png

Looking forward to an exciting year of learning and growing!
Upcoming events
Feb. 07, 2025
Join us for a Family Shabbat Dinner! Delicious food, songs, games & Shabbat spirit!
Feb. 11, 2025
Finding G-d in our World.
Feb. 11, 2025
Finding G-d in our World.
Mar. 04, 2025
Achieving True Transcendence in Prayer